30 Fun Activities under 30 Minutes for Great Parent Child Bonding

As a parent, there are so many responsibilities around the child that very often we find it hard to have fun with them. Finishing chores, meals times, homework and classes leave us with little energy to come up with fun engaging ideas!  

That said, It’s important to remember that kids need their parents in order to grow up happy and healthy, and that getting them involved in family activities is a great way of strengthening the bond between them and you. 

Here are 30 simple activities you can do over the month that won’t take more than 30 minutes but will strengthen your kids bond with you for sure!

1. Go for a short drive – Go on a quick car ride with kids after dinner. 

Play your favourite songs and sing along while you let the windows remain open (please remember to take all safety precautions based on the child’s age). 

You can also play games like I spy on the way to make the ride more fun. 

2. Play hide-and-seek – This is a great game that allows everyone to get in touch with their inner child. 

3. Play DIY adventure games at home – You’re never too old to play Lemon in a spoon, ball drop or pillow fights. 

4. Make fortresses out of blankets or pillows and set up base camps to play army fights in the living room or backyard. 

5. Go on an imaginary date at home – Pretend to be your kid’s favourite celebrity and have dinner with them . 

You can let your kids play the celebrity as well. 

6.Read a book – Take turns to pick up your favourite books & comics and read them together. Make sure you keep the goal of reading to have fun & conversation here, rather than educating & learning. 

7.Walk – Take your kids for walks and You’ll be amazed by their imagination. Play along with their narratives and add to it. You are in for a fun day. 

 8.Hug – What better way to bond than a good long comforting hug? 

Make it a ritual to hug daily before going to sleep or cuddle after waking up. 

9.Dance – Play some peppy songs and dance together with your spouse and kid. 

It will not only relieve your stress but you can come up with your own family moves too! 

10 Listen to music- Daily morning bhajans can be a great instrument in family bonding. You can also go for kid’s jingles or other music whichever your family prefers. 

11.Watch a short movie- Movie times just like story times are great to pique up the Curiosity of your kid and start new conversations 

12.Clean up your toy shelf/room – Let your kids help you clean around their room. Not only will the work be distributed but it will also enhance family bonding & discipline. 

13.Take a bubble bath – As far as memory-making moments for parents with babies goes, it doesn’t get much better than bathtime. But while seeing your little one splash and squeal in the tub can be a particularly entertaining experience, bathing can also provide a quiet bonding moment when you do it together. If bubble bath is not an option, soak your feet in some warm water and epsom salt to have a self-care session together! 

14.Draw or Doodle – Pick up some crayons and take turns to colour or draw the same thing. You can also let your kid decide what has to be drawn. 

15.Make some no-cook recipes together – You can go for sandwiches, bhelpuri, fruit salads , puddings and ice cream. Afraid of mess? Involve kids in cleaning as well.

16.Plant a tree- Gardening is another great way to bond with kids if you aren’t afraid of the mess. Seeing the tree get older with your kids is another beautiful feeling you’ll get here. 

17.Learn a new song – If your kid is enrolled in an instrument class this gets better. Otherwise you can also go for learning lyrics /words of the song and sing it along together with your family. 

18.Make up stories – Let one family member start a story and other family members take their turn to take the story further. For instance you can say ‘ There was a farmer’ while your kid adds ‘ He was having problem with his cow’ 

19.Have a staring contest – This is so much fun and kids love it. Look into each other’s eyes till one person blinks. Always ends with a lot of laughter

20. Learn a new game – Let your kids teach you a game you’re not familiar with. It may be a simple puzzle but make sure to invest time and play it with your kid to have the best time. 

21. Decorate a window -Kids love craft and DIY projects. And while you may not be eager to let them decorate your living room, the window in your bedroom poses no risk. Get together with your kid in some fun DIYs and you’ll be amazed at how much you can bond with your kids over that. 

22.Video chats with kids when you’re away-If you have hour-long shifts, video calls are a great way to bond. 

23 Tell them how much you love them –  Make it a tradition to remind your kids of how much you love and adore them. You can hide notes, play voice notes or simply make them sit and tell them. 

24.Sleep on terrace in summers gazing at stars – Sleeping on terrace is a whole different experience and your kids shall not miss out on it. 

25- Exercise / Work out with them ( 10+ yr old kids) :If you’re missing out on your workouts because of kids, it’s high time to get them involved as well. Pick light fun exercises that will suit your kids as well. 

26.Involve them in making shopping /grocery lists or plans – It may take a little more time but it’s a great way to get your kid talking about their wish lists and needs. 

27. Share your childhood stories – Tell your kids your favourite stories from your childhood. Kids love them and are always asking for more. 

28.Do some volunteering /Community work together – Something as simple as donating your old toys & stuff or visiting an orphanage can also enhance the EQ of your child while strengthening your relationship with them. 

29.Tell jokes – Healthy Humour is always a good addition to family. Share jokes with your kids and encourage them to have a laugh as well. 

30.Have one on one conversations frequently – Ask your kids about their day, their favourite show or teacher.. You may be surprised by how much information kids can observe and take note of. 

If you enjoyed reading these, do start trying out these activities and tell me how your experience was.

Follow my blog @spectra_mom for more on parenting, daily mom life hacks and play ideas!

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